

Pickleball is a cross between tennis, badminton and table tennis, played indoors or out, on a court about a quarter the size of a tennis court, and with a slightly lower net. It is considered to be easier to learn to play and less stressful on the body, but just as competitive and fun as tennis! 

The Club is excited to introduce pickleball to existing tennis-playing members and to offer the facility to pickleball-playing non-members. Pickleball is the fastest growing participating sport in the USA and rapidly gaining momentum around the world, including in the UK, where it is estimated there are over 30,000 players. A national league and championships commenced in 2023, promoted by Pickleball England.

The Club's committee are reviewing future coaching offers, considering additional roll-up times and future events and tournaments.


Beginners Start Here

If you are new to pickleball, before you start playing it is important that you familiarise yourself with the RULES and SCORING SYSTEM, which are different to tennis. Play the video below, It is well worth studying!. It provides an excellent introduction to the game's rules and scoring system.  It is only 10 minutes long but contains a wealth of  information. Time spent reviewing this material will speed your intial pick-up and enjoyment of the game.

Also, CLICK HERE  to  download Pickleball England's one-page summary of the rules (PDF)

Pickleball RULES and SCORING



Booking & Using the Pickleball Courts

  • Tennis Court 3 also has line markings for 2 pickleball courts. It can be booked in the usual way via the website's BOOK page or the ClubSpark Booker App  (download from the Apple Store or Google Play).  
  • Pickleball nets are stored alongside the east fence. These can be simply relocated onto the pickleball court markings to play. Please return the net to the east fence when you have finished play.
  • From the second week in July....  Pickleball paddles (bats) and balls are available (in a small courtside storage box) for players' use. Please return them to the box after play.


Club Roll-Up

  • Pickleball Club Roll-Ups will run from 9:30 - 11:30 am on Fridays through July and August with a games maker.  All Club members are welcome to attend.
  • Potential new joiners are also welcome to come along for upto 3 roll-ups (at no cost) to help decide whether you would like to join the Club.  You do not need to pre-book and will be welcomed by the games maker.  However, to play regularly at these sessions you will need to become a member of the Club.
  • Additionally, on Wednesday evenings GoTennis run a playing session at The Edge, Haslemere. Contact: Jasper Allen of GoTennis to join the Spond app group for this session.  



  • The Club’s first Pickleball Tournament: 9am Friday 12th July 2024
  • To book a place at the Tournament download the Spond App  from the Apple Store or Google Play and contact  GoTennis for the Group Code . 
  • Entry is FREE to FTC members and £10 to non-members.
  • Alternatively, to enter contact: pickleball@fernhursttennisclub.org.uk


WhatsApp Group

A pickleball WhatsApp Group has been set up to enable players to arrange informal pickleball games with other members. CLICK HERE to join the WhatsApp group.



Please see the Club's coaching page for this information. For those new to pickleball, as with tennis, taking a coaching course will enable you to quickly improve your understanding of pickleball technique and tactics. 


Non-Member Pay & Play

Non-members can use the Pay & Play court booking system to book and pay for court 3 (with the pickleball court markings). 

For all pickleball queries please contact the Pickleball Co-ordinator: Suzie Normanton   pickleball@fernhursttennisclub.org.uk