All committee members serve on a voluntary basis to support the Grange LTC.
President: Henry Timms
Vice-President: Jo Matkin
Chairman: Jo Matkin
Vice Chairman and Mens Captain: Steve Ward
Hon. Treasurer: Paul Cross
Hon. Secretary: Tom Fairlie
Grounds Secretary: Malcolm Williams
Team Captains:
Mens A Team Captain: Ed Lacey
Mens C Team Captain: Dave Burt
Mens B Team Captain: Tom Fairlie
Ladies Captain: Kate Geofferson
Mixed A Team Captain: Ed Lacey
Head Coach: Dave Barnes
Welfare Officer: Kate Geofferson
Media/Web Publicity Officer: Scott Thorley
Website: Jane Bullivant
Social Secretary: Kate Geofferson
Tournament Secretary: Jane Bullivant/Dave Barnes
Newsletter: by Justina Bramall
Project manager: Jane Bullivant
General Committee: Dave Burt
Development Sub-committee: Jane Bullivant, Simon Bullivant and Malcolm Williams