Our History

The Great Ayton & District Tennis Club started in the summer of 1939 as a Tennis & Bowls Club, with one court next to the bowling green, although depleted membership was already causing the Bowls Club problems.
The Club was situated on land to the rear of The Tile Sheds Inn car park - some of the houses in Wheatlands now occupy the site. There was an old tramcar which acted as a pavilion, very useful for fish and chip suppers on long summer evenings. They were really long days due to double Summer time during the Second world War.
The first Annual General Meeting was held in the W.I. Hall on 2nd April 1940 and the Bowls Club closed in that summer, after which we had two courts. The subscription was 5/- (FIVE SHILLINGS) per annum, with a minimum age of 14 years: in 1941. It was increased to six shillings and sixpence, with a special rate of half that for members of HM Forces. There were several Whist Drives and dances - all held in the Ambulance Hall, as the other Halls in the village were occupied by HM Forces.
In March 1944 a letter was received from the owner of the land, which we had hoped to purchase, saying the land was required for agricultural purposes. This was a great disappointment to all involved, but it had to be accepted. Fortunately, Sir John Fry agreed to allow the Club to use his courts at Cleveland Lodge. We had many happy years there and more dances and parties were organised, all helping to swell the funds.
After the War we held tournaments, a Social Club was started in the Ambulance Hall during the winter months, and in 1947, a Badminton Club was started in the Parochial Hall. In June 1947, a set of rules was drawn up and presented to an Extraordinary General Meeting. The first rule being the Club should be known as “The Great Ayton & District Tennis Club”. We joined the East Cleveland Tennis League travelling to matches at Guisborough, Skelton, Redcar, Carlin How and Hinderwell, usually on public transport!
Around 1949/1950, negotiations commenced to lease the land opposite the Buck Hotel from Nimmo’s Brewery. The outcome was satisfactory, with three new courts completed and occupied from 1951. This is the site that the club has occupied to date.
A more detailed history of the club, contained in a wonderful summary by Jennifer Roberts and Mike Newton, can be viewed here.