Membership Fees

IMPORTANT: All members must familiarise themselves with our safeguarding policies, which can be viewed here.


We operate a fixed-term membership policy, running from April 1st to March 31st the following year.  Fees are charged for this annual period only. You can pay securely on this website (our preferred option), or you can pay by cheque or cash directly to the Membership Secretary. Once your membership is processed, you will receive a set of gate codes for courts access, a shoe/bag tag, as well as our club rules and guidelines. 


GMTC is a members only club. However, guests are permitted to play with members for a small fee of £3.00 per adult and £1.00 per child. Fees should be collected by the member and forwarded to a committee member, or directly to the club account by bank transfer (please ask for details).  Guests are only allowed to play 3 times and then would be expected to join.




Adult 2024/25

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Adult 2024/25

Join now

Couple 2024/25

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Couple 2024/25

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Family 2024/25

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Family 2024/25

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Junior Plus 2024/25

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Junior plus child accompanied by one adult

Eligibility: Junior under 16 accompanied by adult who is not a member but who is a member of the child's family i.e mother, father , grandparent etc Adult will not have a membership or be eligible to use the courts without accompanying the child .

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01/04/2024- 31/03/2025


Eligibility: Under 18s or between 18-21 if in full time education.

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