Junior Tennis at H.L.T.C

Hale Lawn Tennis Club are proud to facilitate an LTA accredited Coaches led Junior Tennis programme, with over 200 participants, enjoying year-round coaching and play opportunities.

We offer over 30 'LTA Youth Coaching and Play programmes' for ages 4-18yrs. Led by our 5 qualified LTA coaches, highlights include;

  • Weekly sessions - tailored to develop tennis skills, boost fitness, and build social confidence
  • Junior Club Night Fridays 6.15 to 7.30pm (Ages 10-16yrs Summer Term) - organised tennis games and activities to suit all ages with Pizza included!
  • Match Play (Ages 4-18yrs) - Learn how to keep score and follow match rules, improve your tactics and think like a champion in a fun and friendly way
  • Team Tennis (Ages 4-18yrs) – Represent H.L.T.C in the LTA Cheshire Youth and North East Cheshire leagues
  • Play your way to Wimbledon!- for players that want to compete in a fun, Wimbledon-inspired competition with other players from your local area
  • Holiday camps 9am to 4.30pm (Ages 4-16yrs)- designed to keep your kids active and engaged with a range of fun activities and games to enjoy while their school is closed

How to Book:

  1. Register your child with the free LTA Advantage programme.  
  2. Ensure you provide emergency contact details and any medical and/or dietary information
  3. Use the table below to select your chosen course or event

Parents/Guardians – when booking on to a course please ensure you provide emergency contact details and any medical and/or dietary requirements via the app.

Safeguarding - Please Note

Safeguarding procedures are applied in line with LTA guidance and our Club Rules. These are detailed on this website under 'About us / Safeguarding'.   NOTE - Outside of any club organised activity, such as coaching or camps, children under 16 should not be left unsupervised by their parents/guardians at the club.

Head of Safeguarding is Mary Timothy please if any issues or worries you have text Mary for a confidential conversation on     M: 07711 283 458