
Changing Room/Showering Procedures/safeguarding at Hanbury Tennis Club 1.2.20 – Updated 17/8/22

Updated 26/02/25

This document explains the procedures when junior members are present at Hanbury Tennis Club for coaching sessions or free play.

1. Hanbury Tennis Club encourages Junior members to come to tennis already changed, wearing suitably warm clothing e.g. tracksuits and are encouraged to shower at home afterwards. If it necessary that a young person needs to shower at the club, this must only take place under the supervision of their parent/parents in the disabled shower facility in the clubhouse.

2. Hanbury Tennis Club has a safeguarding policy and procedures for reporting any concerns and members and volunteers are familiar with these and the policy and forms are available in the clubhouse, together with important telephone numbers.

3. Coaching sessions have an adult coach together with the safeguarding officer/member in attendance

4. Times for junior play at Hanbury Tennis Club are as follows:-

Tuesdays – 5-6 p.m   and   Saturdays – 10-11 a.m

4. The use of mobile phones and/or photographic equipment by club officials, members, parents and young people is prohibited within the club house/toilets/shower areas at all times.

5. As a best practice, the club would prefer parents to remain at the coaching/tennis sessions. However, if a parent makes a decision to leave their child at the club event, we would point out the following:

-No children younger than 8 years of age to be left.

-Parents to collect their child at the end of the session

-If a child is left or not collected, the coach will contact the parent of the child. No child will be left on their own at the club and they will be supervised until the parent collects them.

-If a child makes their own way to the club and leaves unaccompanied, the responsibility will be with the parents of that child and not the club.

-All contact details must be provided to the club and kept updated.

For further information see also the Safeguarding Policy (available on the website).