Unorthobox is a social enterprise encouraging people of all abilities to improve their health and well-being and increase their physical activity levels.
Coach and Founder, Sarah-Jane says:
“I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in sport and activities to improve their overall health and well-being. Unorthobox sessions provide a welcoming and fun environment to get fit, learn new skills and participate in sport alongside people of various abilities, ages and backgrounds”
If you want to work towards something there is the opportunity to participate in the GB Boxing Awards scheme (at a small additional cost). This is a scheme endorsed by GB Boxing, similar to martial arts’ grading systems. The participants will receive a handbook, a certificate and medal for passing each stage of the awards. No previous experience in boxing is required. These are mixed ability sessions (disabled people and non-disabled people train together). The sessions are similar to training in a boxing gym and consist of fitness, pad and bag work. The main difference with these sessions is that there is no sparring; participants hit pads and bags but not each other.
How to join:
If you're interested in joining Unothobox please email Sarah on