Coming Events

At Hillside LTC we have a wide range of tennis and social events for all ages.  A few of them are shown on this page but a lot more goes on at the club.  Why not join us and make some new friends!

Competitive Tennis Events

A good range of both serious and fun tournaments are organised throughout the year, details will be added here a couple of weeks before each event.  You can download the HLTC Tournament Rules here and a copy is displayed on the clubhouse notice board.

Details of adult and junior Southport & District League tennis are on our Club Activities pages. League fixtures are shown on the League Planner website.  If you would like to be considered for team selection, please contact one of our Club Captains - see our Contact Us page.  Autumn League matches in 2023 started in the week commencing 11th September.

Hillside LTC Club Championships 2024

The Club Championship Finals will take place on Saturday 7th September (with Sunday 8th September as the reserve day in case of bad weather) – it is a strict condition of entry that players must be available to play on both those days.  Details of the times of events on the days will be given nearer the time.  More details of the events and rules are in the full HLTC Tournament Rules.

Adult Events: The handicapping and draw for the adult events is now complete and can be downloaded from Adult Draw.  Please make sure you play the rounds by the dates specified and notify the results to our Tournament Referee.  If you have any difficulty in arranging your matches then please contact our Tournament Referee, Richard Hoare, as soon as possible and definitely before the closing date of the round.  You can email Richard at:

Junior Events: The draw for the junior section of this tournament is now on the junior noticeboard in the clubhouse.   Please direct any questions on the junior events to James Thomas.

Social Tennis Events

Charity American Tournament – on Sunday 22nd September from 2.30pm to around 5pm there will be a charity American Tournament in aid of Young Lives vs Cancer.  Entry will be £5 which will go to the charity.  It will be possible to donate to this great cause even if you don't wish to play in the American Tournament.  More details and information on how to sign up very soon.

Tennis Supper – Friday 4th October there will be mix-in tennis from 6.30pm followed by supper and a quiz in the clubhouse.  All members and their families are welcome to join in with the supper and quiz.  All playing adult members or juniors who have played for adult teams are welcome to join in with the tennis.  More details of cost and how to sign up nearer the time.

Junior clubnights – every Friday after school.  The first hour (from 4.30pm to 5.30pm) is for junior school age children and parents need to stay, the second hour (from 5.30pm to 6.30pm is for senior school age children (up to 16) and parents are very welcome to stay.  All sessions are run by an LTA registered coach and comprise lots of fun, tennis related, games.  Cost is £1 for club members and £3 for non-members.  Raquets and balls can be provided, you just need some suitable tennis shoes.

Senior club "mix-in" sessions are on Wednesday evenings (from 6.30pm-9pm).  The first hour is drills and coaching with our Head Coach, Mike Taylor, at a cost of £3 each, and that is followed by mix-in tennis.  All adult (playing) club members are welcome to come and mix-in at these sessions.  Juniors who have played for adult teams or been invited to adult group coaching are also welcome.  

Court 5 is also reserved on Sunday afternoons from 2.30pm until 5.15pm for anyone who wishes to  come along and "mix in" or to use the practice fence or ball machine.

Ladies Tennis Afternoons – these take place bi-weekly on alternate Saturdays from 2pm to 4pm.   The dates can be found by looking at our Court Booking page.  More details can be obtained from Rachel Miles

Events with external participants

The following events have been organised by Issie as part of our engagement with the local community, they should all promote the club and will hopefully lead to an increase in membership:

Date to be confirmed – IMW Girls Tennis Festival.

15th July – SEND Festival (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).

12th August – Woodvale and Ainsdale Community association tennis camp.

9th or 30th September (to be confirmed) – visit from local Brownies

7th & 14th October – visit from local Cub Scouts.

External Events

2024 Lancashire Tennis Championships

These take place at Bolton Arena between 22nd August and 1st September.  Singles and doubles events from 8 and under to 75 & over.  Deadline for entries is 8th August.  Download more details here: Lancashire Championships.