
Autumn/Winter 2022 - Singles & Doubles Box Leagues RESTART

Singles & Doubles BOX LEAGUES are restarting at ILFRACOMBE TENNIS CLUB & we are launching new leagues over the coming days.

We would like to hear from ANY club members who would like to participate in singles or doubles matches (including mixed) with the internal club league options being: 

NB: you are NOT added automatically if you entered previously, the main portal is here: Box League Portal

MENS SINGLES - apply here or see below

MENS DOUBLES - apply here or see below & has a Vets/Social option

WOMENS SINGLES - apply here or see below,

WOMENS DOUBLES - apply here or see below & has a Vets/Social option

MIXED DOUBLES - apply here or see below

SOCIAL MIXED DOUBLES - apply here or see below

VETS SINGLES OR DOUBLES OPTIONS? - appropriate to join the SOCIAL MIXED DOUBLES & you can add yourself to a men's or women's singles or doubles league as there are divisions so we will match you up with the appropriate standard

NEXT ROUND WILL RUN  17OCT22 to 31DEC22 & we will put on "event" days, potentially weekday evenings, Saturdays &/or Sundays

As part of the LTA’s vision to open tennis open, we are committed to making finding and entering competitions easier and more accessible for everyone. 

With this in mind the LTA have developed the LTA’s first Box League Manager tool, to create a smooth user journey for ALL. Using the new mobile friendly Box League Manager tool, Players can submit results directly & they will immediately appear on their Players’ profiles. These results will also be able to feed through to the ITF World Tennis Number.

In singles & doubles competition Box Leagues, players will be matched to other players of a similar standard & as the internal club leagues expand, their will be more boxes with a simple promotion & relegation structure where applicable.

Matches can be arranged between players within a group & we may set aside some regular slots when matches can happen alongside each other e.g. a Friday Box League Night & a Saturday  afternoon or Sunday Box League morning, afternoon or evening.

If you are interested in internal club competition at any level please first take the time to make sure you have signed up for a competition number:

Then visit & login at: - add "ILFRACOMBE LAWN TENNIS CLUB" as your venue

Then visit & login at: - this will activate you on the LTA competitions portal (even legacy members may not have completed this step)

IF YOU HAVE A PERSONAL LOGIN (not a junior child) & have forgotten your username &/or password:

If you have forgotten your LTA password but know your username you can reset your password here:

If you have forgotten your username but know the email address to which you receive LTA emails you can retrieve your username here:


Finally, you can email Gary Tovey to express your interest in Ilfracombe Tennis Club Box Leagues or visit the Box League Portal for Ilfracombe Tennis Club & sign up directly.