LTA Youth Green - 9-11 Year Olds
What is LTA Youth Green?
Green ball is a great way for players to continue their progress from orange ball mini tennis. It is played on a full tennis court, with bigger rackets and balls that are a little softer than yellow balls. It’s the next stage to go through before you start playing with a full compression yellow ball on a full sized court and it will help players work on and improve all aspects of their game.
- Maximum Ratio of 1:10 (might be increased if a tennis leader is assisting)
- Slightly modified balls
- ABCs development (Agility, Balance and Co-ordination)
- Developing a consistant serve, rallying, and scoring
- Developing technique and tactics
- Learning different styles of play
Watch the video HERE for more information!
Check out our LTA Youth Green sessions down below 👇
Weekly Orange/Green Term-Time Sessions
Weekly Orange/Green Development + Sessions
Weekly Green/Yellow Term-Time Sessions
Weekly Green/Yellow Plus Stage Term-Time Sessions
If you have any queries as to where you child should be, please contact James either through the Enquiries page or on: 07858466231.