
At Knutsford Tennis Club, we are keen for our members to bring visitors onto the courts. It's a good way to get people playing and encourage new members.
All guests must be accompanied by a playing member and pay a £5pp visitor fee (£3pp for Juniors).
Payment can be made to club coach Mark Airey, a committee member or paid by direct bank transfer (BACS), using the following details: Account Name: Knutsford Sports Club Tennis Section, Sort Code: 40-26-25, Account Number: 31413902, Reference: ‘Guest & your surname’.
Due to our insurance requirements, we kindly ask that you email with the visitors details (Name, telephone number and email address) and the name and telephone number of the accompaying KTC member. Also please read the information below before you play.
When playing with visitors, please take note of any safety signs that are present on the courts or any other information that is relevant to playing and has been displayed for your safety.
Visitor Arrangements
- No one may be admitted as a visitor or guest on more than four occasions in any calendar year, subject to court availability.
- Outside of any venue sessions, such as coaching lessons or tennis camps, we recommend that children under the age of 12 are supervised by their parent/carer whilst at KTC.
- A member introducing a guest shall be responsible for their guest observing all the Club Rules and ensuring they dress appropriately, including suitable footwear
- Prospective adult members are invited to play a couple of times without charge - please contact coach Mark Airey (07787 510702) to arrange the best session in which to participate.
- All members of KTC and their guests agree to adhere to the LTA's Rules and Disciplinary Code and to KTC’s rules as laid out in our constitution.
- Should any incident occur, under the KTC member rules and the LTA policy, all details must be noted down on an Incident form as soon as possible (forms are in the mailbox inside the coded door to the squash courts). This should include date, time, person(s) concerned and witnesses. A committee member should also be notified without delay. You can find details on the Contacts page.