
New members are always very welcome.   Please give our membership secretary Trudy a call to discuss.  If you are new to tennis or a bit rusty, she can tell you about our courses and the membership offers linked to them (please also see the Coaching section).  If you would like to visit the club, she can arrange for one of our committee members to show you around.  Also, if you are an experienced player and would like to try us out, she can arrange for you to join us at one of our Tuesday evening club sessions when you can meet our head coach, Alex Jackson.   

Please contact Trudy on via email at  We look forward to meeting you!

The season runs from 1st April to 31st March.  The membership classes and fees for 2025/26 are as follows.

Membership Type

Price for 2025/26

Adult Full


Young Adult






Junior Parent


Mini Tennis


Mini Tennis Parent





* = Aged between 18 and 25 and not in fulltime education.

For more information about these types of membership see the 'Classes of Membership' page.

Family membership:  a discount of 10% will be given where there is at least one full adult member and one junior member.    Adult, Young Adult, Student, Junior and Junior Parent memberships count towards the discount.  Mini, Mini-Parent and Social memberships are not discounted. 

If you join after 1st October in any one year you will pay membership fees at 50%. This entitles you to play until 31st March of the following year.

Membership Form 2025/26

Junior Supplementary Form