
County Training

What is County Training?

County Training is a key part of the LTA Player Pathway (read more below) and gets the best players in Lincolnshire together to train and hit with each other on a monthly basis to complement and support the club training programme. This is not a substitute for it. It is designed to provide local, affordable and high-quality training, NOT coaching, for identified players in a transformative environment and will provide representative opportunities for players to be part of a team and represent Lincolnshire. Age groups are 8&U, 9&U, 10&U, 12&U, 14&U and 18&U.

It is headed up by Jason Revill, our Head of Coaching & Performance and Performance & Coach Development Coordinator

Age group definition

County Training runs from September to June and ages are based on 31st December of the second year

How many players will be in the squads?

Numbers will be limited as shown below.

8&U                             Max of 24 boys & girls in total, any mix

9&U                             Max of 16 boys & girls in total, any mix

10 to 18 years             Max of 8 boys & 8 girls in separate groups/sessions

Who will train me?

Every age group has a Team Manager and an Assistant Team Manager. Click HERE for the 2022/23 appointments

Inclusion & Diversity in Squad selection (last updated 22nd September 2022)

It is important to us that we offer the opportunity to participate in this programme to the widest possible group of players from all clubs and backgrounds. We do all this making use of a combination of processes and procedures as detailed below. Ultimately though the squad will comprise of those we collectively consider to be the strongest players now, or have the potential to be, over the period of the current up to 10 months programme.

  • We select the best players from all those who are eligible within the LTA rules for representing Lincolnshire. It’s not possible to be more inclusive than that!
  • Our policy for Team/Assistant Manager (TM/ATM) positions is to try, wherever possible, to have a different coach in each position.  Having a large pool increases visibility and exposure of the County Training programme to our clubs, players and programmes across the county
  • We host County Training at 5 different registered clubs with indoor facilities in the winter and at other outdoor clubs in the summer. This collaboration, with our very supportive clubs, helps us to be more inclusive by sharing the programme countywide
  • TMs are encouraged to host ‘selection days’ at the start of the year to help with selection, allowing players outside of the squad and nominations by coaches to be assessed
  • Ages are in the year of competition at 31st December
  • Players will be selected taking account of World Tennis Number (was LTA ratings), rankings, competition results including at our own Festival of Tennis, coach recommendations & observations etc
  • The 8&U players will be selected using only some of the above criteria plus observations at the selection events
  • We ask for nominations through email to all Lincolnshire club main contacts,  coaches & existing TM/ATMs, through social media and through our coach network on WhatsApp
  • Everyone involved in the process must do their utmost to avoid any unconscious bias. If in doubt then seek advice from Jason and/or Rachel
  • Player lists/information to aid with selection can be obtained via Julie
  • Selection is made by the TM, after consultation with the previous year’s TM, after which, the selection is passed to Jason for approval. Having this chain helps with accountability and transparency. It also helps the conscientious coach who wants to make sure they have not missed anyone or anything
  • TMs are encouraged to use their experience and discretion, exercising their professional judgement.  
  • All squads will be signed off by Jason in consultation with each relevant TM
  • Despite our diligence we may still have overlooked someone. If we have then we need to know and take action

How does this fit in with County Cup?

It doesn’t really. This is a completely separate programme that runs over the year from September regardless of when the County Cup events are, 18&U excepted. County Training continues beyond County Cup. Not all of the squad will be selected for County Cup but will still have the chance to improve tennis skills over the County Training period.

If you wish to know more about the LTA Player Pathway then follow this link.


Photo shows our Men's Summer County Cup Team that played at Ilkley in July 2023