
Marke Wood Tennis Hub acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk. We are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice is in line with legislation, statutory guidance and the Council's safeguarding procedures and complies with best practice and LTA requirements.  

Parents and legal guardians are responsible for their children when using the Marke Wood Tennis courts and should not be left unsupervised. 

The Marke Wood Tennis Hub Tennis coaches are responsible for players of all ages attending any of their sessions.    

If you think a child, young person or adult is in immediate danger or risk of harm, please call 999.

Safeguarding concerns

For full details about the Council's Safeguarding policy please see Dover District Council Safeguarding Policy. You can report a concern to the Council using this link. The Council will pass the details of the concern on to the LTA Safeguarding Team at the earliest opportunity and the relevant local authority and the police will be contacted, where appropriate.

If you do not feel comfortable raising a concern with the Council, then you can contact the LTA Safeguarding Team directly at 020 8487 7000 or complete their online reporting form.

You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns or see NSPCC Keeping children safe.


Safeguarding documents

LTA Staying Safe Online Guidance (PDF)

LTA Safeguarding Strategy 2021 to  2023 (PDF)

LTA Safeguarding at events, activities and competitions (PDF)