General Membership Info

Tennis Membership

Once you've paid the membership fees you can get access to our fantastic facilities straight away. 

New members for the 2025-2026 year should contact to be added to our waiting list

Existing members will be invited by email to renew from March.  Renewal discounts for adults and families will apply for payments made in March.
- log on to your Clubspark account
- check your profile details are up-to-date
- go to your memberships and look for this year's membership tab
- set up your payment by Direct Debit preferably (we also accept Bank Transfers and cheques)

- If you pay by DD, you will receive an automatic payment receipt by email.  If you pay by bank transfer or cheque, please log back in a few days later to check your membership is showing as PAID - this is confirmation of receipt of your payment

For family membership, please ensure the correct people are connected to your package.