You can book courts at MTC whether you are a member or not (if you're not a member then you book on a 'Pay & Play' basis). 

When booking a court (unless you are practising on your own), you must add all the other participants who will be playing with you. You must also select the correct category of participant - 'Member' or 'Guest'.  Guest Fees (see the Guest Fee rules here ) are payable at the time of booking . These booking rules are compulsory & failure to adhere to them may result in future bookings being blocked and/or consequences for your membership if you are a member. Members are reminded that MTC is a registered charity run by volunteers and every penny of income is vital to the long term operation of the Club - honesty with guest fees is a responsibility as part of your membership, not an option.

For a short video illustrating how to add participant information as part of a booking, take a look here.

Court Access
There is new perimeter fencing and a new gate which provides access to the area in and around the pavilion. The SmartGate system which controls access to the courts now also controls access to the new perimeter gate. When you book a court, your PIN code for accessing the court you have booked will also work to open the perimeter gate (and will do so for the duration of your booking).

The gate has a self-closer so please do not leave the gate propped open for any reason and alway ensure it is closed when you leave. Exiting the gate is achieved by pressing the green exit release which is housed in the protective cowling.

Our floodlights and fantastic all-weather artificial clay courts mean that we have a huge amount of playing time available to members, not just confined to daylight hours. Floodlighting (when it's needed) is provided free of charge on club social evenings and if you need to use the floodlights at other times (dusk to 10pm), it is payable at the same time as court bookings, and they will switch on automatically for the duration of your booking.  The cost is £2 per half hour for members and £2.50 per half hour for non members.


Players play at their own risk and we recommend children under the age of 11 are supervised by their parents/carers whilst at the courts. 

Cancellations need to be made at least 1 hour before the start of the court booking to enable a refund on payments made.  Within 1 hour of the booking time, no refunds will be paid.  Cancellations can be made on the booking page.  This applies to members and non-members.

Finally, please familiarise yourself with the court brushing requirements - it is a condition of use and expected that you brush the court after use.