Club Championships

2024 Championships and Finals Day

2024 details to be confirmed - but this is usually a tournament starting in May or June across all formats of the game culminating in a finals day (or weekend) on In September, including

  • Veterans Doubles
  • Mens Singles
  • Ladies Singles
  • Mens Doubles
  • Ladies Doubles
  • Mixed Doubles

All members are invited and encouraged to enter. It’s Wimbledon-style knockout tournament – but Wimbledon standards are not required. It’s just a great way of playing some tennis and meeting other members.

The only requirement is that you are available on Finals day should you make it that far. 

Support the Club and through the EHDC Lottery

Club events such as family coaching days and tournaments such as this one are free to particpants. If you'd like to support the club so it can continue to run similar events in the future then you can purchase EHDC Community lottery tickets through the club. The Club is a beneficiary of the EHDC Community Lottery and all club funds from the lottery are used by the club to help more people play more tennis in Liss.

You can purchse tickets through the club here: