Junior group coaching
A course of six consecutive Saturday morning sessions - Feb 15th - March 22nd.
Sat mornings 9.30 -10.30 am, 6 to 10 year olds 10.30 - 11.30 am, 11 to 15 year olds.
Run by Okehampton tennis club with local LTA level 2 coach Lisa Hutchins.
£30 for 6 sessions - to book and pay e mail lisavhutchins@gmail.com, or Tel/whatsapp 0797 328 7594
Adult group coaching, intermediate level, members only.
Thurs evenings 6-7.30 pm.
£10 per session, pay as you go.
Call or Whatsapp Lisa on - 0797 328 7594 email lisavhutchins@gmail.com
Introduction to tennis.
Coach led sessions organised by OCRA for the general public.
Mondays 7pm from the 17th March. On Okehampton tennis courts, 1.5 hrs per session.
6 sessions for £75.
Book here https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/OkehamptonCommunit.../Coaching/