
Portsmouth Tennis Academy prides itself on offering an excellent service and safe environment for all of our players.  As such, PTA has a well established Safeguarding Policy. All of our safeguarding information is available online. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our welfare officer or the most appropriate point of contact as identified in our policy.  

In addition to our overarching safeguarding policy, there are more specific documents as follows:

Diversity & Inclusion Policy (this can also bee seen on our noticeboard)

Changing Rooms Policy (this can also be seen on each changing room door)

PTA Safe Recruitment Policy

PTA Compliments and Complaints Policy  

 PTA Anti Bullying Policy

PTA Codes of Conduct

PTA Online Safety & Communications Policy

 Further guidance from the LTA can be found at the following link:  LTA Venue Safeguarding Standards

All of our safeguarding policies are held in hard copy at Reception.

Our Refunds and Cancellations Policy is also available online. This provides information on what will happen in the unfortunate event that PTA has to cancel a course,  you need to cancel a court booking, or you/your child is unable to attend.