Membership of RLTC

You can help us to ensure we can keep in touch with you by signing in to your Clubspark account regularly to check that we have your details, including email and postal addresses, correctly listed. This will help us to send you important items, such as member shoe tags. Don’t forget to tick the box to accept emails from us, so that you do not miss out on our vital information-packed newsletters. 

  • Full adults (play any time) - £405
  • Beginner/Improver adults (play any time except Sunday afternoon social and Wednesday evening social during the Winter) - £405
  • Seniors (aged 65 or over, play any time) - £340
  • Midweek (play Monday to Fri only) - £280
  • Young adults (aged 19-26 on 1 May, play any time) - £210
  • Family membership (2 adults + up to 2 children who are under 19 on 1 May, play any time) – £810 

All adult members are classified as either “Full Adult” or “Beginner/Improver” members on entry to the club, even if they opt for the Young adult, Midweek or Senior membership category. Everyone applying for membership is assessed by a coach to help decide the best category for them.

  • Junior Membership (aged 6-18 on 1 May, play any time) - £55.00
  • Child Membership (aged under 6 years on 1 May) - £30.00

Joining fees:
- £85 for NEW Adult members
- £35 for NEW Young adults

Guest fees
Members may bring guests to play at the club but each guest may play at RLTC a maximum of 4 times per year. 
Adult guests pay £6.50 (£10.50 during social tennis sessions)
Junior guests pay £3.50
Find out more about bringing guests or pay the guest fees