Welcome to St Ives Tennis Club

St.Ives Tennis Club

EXCITING TIMES  at St Ives Tennis Club with membership booming since the September 2020 arrival of our synthetic clay courts and reaching an all-time high of more than 200.
The £100,000 re-development - jointly funded by the club and Sport England's Community Asset Fund - saw us become the first club in Cornwall to introduce artificial clay. To see how the courts project unfolded, click to watch this great video by Tony Mason and we even made BBC Spotlight too!

PAY AND PLAY: Visitors are welcome on a pay-and-play basis from Monday to Friday. Courts can be reserved via the Booking link on this website with a credit or debit card.  Weekends are reserved for members and coaching and, sorry, we don't hire out rackets. We have no parking at the club but there may be room on the nearby station car park with a walk-through behind the platform.

NEW HEAD COACH JULIE WILLIAMS of JW Tennis took over our junior and adult tennis coaching programmes in September 2024 ahead of the retirement of Colin Stringer, club coach for 24 years, at the end of the year. 
BOOKING FOR KIDS AND ADULT COACHING for both group and individual sessions is available on Julie's website www.jwtennis.com See the COACHING and JUNIOR TENNIS pages for full details.

NEW FOR 2025

On Thursdays January 30, February 13, 27, March 13, 27 (10am – 12 noon). Members £10 per week, non-members £15.
Focused skills, technique and tactics for ladies currently playing and those looking to play representative league tennis. Limited to 8 places per week so book early at www.jwtennis.com

PICKLEBALL arrived at St Ives Tennis Club in 2024 with the upgrading of our short tennis court including lines for this new sporting addition to our facilities.

MEMBERSHIP: St Ives Tennis Club is currently accepting new members with membership free for the 10 and unders.
Tennis, fun, sun and friendship - what more could you ask for?  We can't promise the sun but you're guaranteed the other three at the tennis club with the most beautiful outlook anywhere. Well, most people who play here say that!

Located just above Porthminster Beach, our two synthetic clay all-weather courts are used throughout the year. We have social mix-in sessions, when members can just turn up and play, on Tuesday and Friday mornings (10am-1pm), Sundays (10am-12) and Wednesday evenings (5-8pm)) during summer months.

With the aid of a grant from Sport England, our clubhouse was completed in 2013 and we can now welcome players with disabilities. See more on the Membership page.

AND MORE . . . If you need more information about our club contact us and we'll be happy to help. Any queries, click on "More" on the bar above, then "Contacts" and you should find who you need to email or call. 

CLUB KIT - An exciting range of St Ives Tennis Club-branded clothing. For full details and how to order go to the MEMBERSHIP Page and click on NEW CLUB KIT 

NEW: DEFIBRILLATOR AT ST IVES TENNIS CLUB - Our new defibrillator – funded by the tennis club – was up and running in October 2023.
Eleven club members attended a training course and we have others familiar with how to use it after undergoing training with other organisations.
The defibrillator, sited on the outside wall of the clubhouse, is also be available to people outside the club in the event of an emergency.
South West Ambulance Service will have the gate code to the courts so they can supply it to anyone needing access in order to collect the defibrillator when they dial 999 in an emergency.


We have a membership package to suit everybody, find out more ...

How to find us

St Ives Tennis Club
Primrose Valley, Porthminster Beach
TR26 2EB

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