Conduct Policy
1. Code of Conduct & Zero Tolerance Policy
Tennis in Merton is committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all players, spectators, and staff.
Any conduct that is abusive, discriminatory, harassing, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate will not be tolerated.
Discrimination, harassment, or victimisation based on protected characteristics, as defined under the Equality Act 2010, is strictly prohibited. These protected characteristics include:
• Age
• Disability
• Gender reassignment
• Marriage and civil partnership
• Pregnancy and maternity
• Race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)
• Religion or belief
• Sex
• Sexual orientation
Additionally, any form of bullying, intimidation, hate speech, physical aggression, or antisocial behaviour will result in disciplinary action.
2. Consequences for Violating Conduct Rules
Violations of this policy may result in the following actions, depending on the severity of the misconduct:
• Verbal warning – For minor infractions (e.g., excessive noise, minor disruption).
• Written warning – For repeated violations or moderately serious infractions.
• Temporary suspension – For serious misconduct, players may be banned from all Tennis in Merton facilities for a period of up to 6 months.
• Permanent ban – Severe or repeated misconduct may result in a permanent exclusion from all Tennis in Merton venues.
• Escalation to authorities – Any criminal behaviour (e.g., physical assault, harassment, hate crimes, or threats) will be reported to law enforcement or relevant authorities.
Tennis in Merton reserves the right to immediately remove any individual from the premises if their behaviour poses a risk to others’ safety or well-being.
3. Reporting a Violation
If you witness or experience a breach of this policy, you can report it via:
1. Speaking to an on-site staff member (if available).
2. Emailing with:
• Date, time, and location of the incident
• Description of what happened
• Names (if known) of individuals involved
• Any supporting evidence (e.g., witness statements, photos, etc.)
⚠️ All complaints must include the complainant’s full name and contact details. Anonymous reports will not be investigated to prevent false or malicious claims.
Tennis in Merton will handle all reports confidentially where possible, in accordance with UK data protection laws.
4. Investigation Process
Once a complaint is received, Tennis in Merton will follow these steps:
1. Acknowledgement: A response will be sent within 5 working days confirming receipt of the complaint.
2. Initial Review: A preliminary assessment will determine if further investigation is required.
3. Investigation: If necessary, Tennis in Merton will:
• Speak with relevant parties
• Gather evidence (e.g., CCTV footage, witness statements, etc.)
• Review whether previous complaints exist against the same individual
4. Decision & Action:
• If a breach is confirmed, appropriate action (as outlined in Section 2) will be taken.
• If the complaint is unsubstantiated, no action will be taken, and the complainant will be informed.
5. Right to Appeal: If an individual disagrees with the outcome, they may request a review within 7 days by emailing
5. Concerns and further information
If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding a child or vulnerable adult, please call +44 204 572 2155 or email
If it is an emergency please call 999 for further assistance.
Last Updated: 18 February 2025 (To be updated annually)