Safeguarding Policy
Our aim at Tennis in Merton & Emma Wells Tennis, is to enable more people to play tennis more regularly, to grow and sustain the sport so that it is safe and inclusive. We are aware we have a vital role to play in keeping children and adults safe. We recognise that we have a legal responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk.
1. Key terminology
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and adults at risk and protect them from harm. It involves:
- Taking action to enable all children, young people and vulnerable adults to have the best outcomes
- Ensuring that children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- Preventing harm to children/adults health or development
- Protecting children/adults from abuse and maltreatment
(NSPCC, 2019)
Adult at risk
An adult at risk of abuse or neglect is an adult who
- Has support and care needs
- Is experiencing or at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect; and because of their care and support needs cannot protect themselves against actual or potential abuse or neglect
Definition of a child is anyone under the age of 18. Some legislation in Scotland defines a child as a person under 16 years of age, however wherever there is any safeguarding concern, anyone under the age of 18 is regarded as a child.
2. We are therefore committed to the following
To help prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect of children and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect. We want to help prevent the impairment of children's health or development.
Adults at risk
To protect adults at risk, to assist in ensuring that they can live free from abuse and neglect and where needed empower and support them to stay safe and raise any concerns.
We begin with the assumption that an individual is best-placed to make decisions about their own well-being. We shall take proportional action on their behalf if: someone lacks the capacity to make a decision, is exposed to a life-threatening risk, someone else may be at risk or harm, or a criminal offence has been/is likely to be committed.
Staff and coaches
We ensure that all staff and coaches abide by the agreed procedures and guidelines of our Safeguarding Policy Statement, Procedures and Guidance as well as being able to understand what a safeguarding concern is and how to report it.
We want to empower all of these groups to champion a proactive approach to safeguarding as well as upholding safeguarding requirements for venues, programmes and events that Tennis in Merton facilitates.
3. Scope
Emma Wells Tennis operates across the UK and has a safeguarding responsibility for:
- Staff, consultants and officials they employ
- Volunteers, including board members and councillors they recruit
- Venues they operate within
- Events and programmes they run
- Ensuring all accreditation requirements are met by accredited coaches, officials and venues
We recommend and support the development of good safeguarding practises to:
- Accredited coaches, officials and venues
- Players, parents and carers
- Volunteers recruited by other organisations
- Venues hired by Tennis in Merton & Emma Wells Tennis.
- Events supported by Tennis in Merton & Emma Wells Tennis.
4. Responsibility
It is the responsibility of everyone to respond to a safeguarding issue. Not responding to a safeguarding concern is not an option.
More specifically, we recognise:
- Where an allegation suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed then the police should be concerned as a matter of urgency
- The designated safeguarding lead is responsible for escalating any report of a safeguarding concern to the relevant authority or organisation
- All staff, consultants, coaches, officials and volunteers are responsible for raising safeguarding concerns/disclosures within Tennis in Merton & Emma Wells Tennis management
- All players, parents and carers are responsible for upholding and safe and inclusive code of conduct and reporting procedure
Where there is a safeguarding concern/disclosure:
- The individual who is told about, hears, or is made aware of the concern/disclosure is responsible for following the concern reporting procedure
- The safeguarding leads are responsible for reporting all safeguarding concerns to Tennis in Merton & Emma Wells Tennis management
5. Code of conduct
The code of conduct that Tennis in Merton & Emma Wells Tennis shall adhere to is:
- The prioritisation of the wellbeing of children and adults at all time
- Be a positive role model; act with integrity, even when no one is looking
- Help to create a safe and inclusive environment both on and off court and promote the Fair Play values
- Value and celebrate diversity and make all reasonable efforts to meet the individual needs
- Keep a clear boundary between professional and personal life, including social media usage
- Check that relevant consent from parents/carers, children and adults has been obtained before taking or using photos and videos
- Ensure that our own roles and responsibilities, and those of everyone we are responsible for, are clearly outlined and everyone has the information, training and support to carry them out
- Where possible, ensuring that as adults we are never alone with a child or another adult at risk
- Understanding that doing nothing is NOT an option. We adhere to reporting all concerns and disclosures as soon as possible, following the process in section 3. If someone is in immediate danger, call the police (999)
- We recognise that it is illegal to have a relationship with someone who is under 18 years old if you are in a position of trust; it is illegal to have a sexual relationship with anyone under the age of 16, whether they give consent or not.
This code of conduct is to be interpreted in a spirit of integrity, transparency and common sense, with the best interests of children and adults at risk as the primary consideration
This safeguarding policy shall be reviewed annually.
6. Concerns and further information
If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding a child or vulnerable adult, please call +44 204 572 2155 or email
If it is an emergency please call 999 for further assistance.
Last Updated: 18 February 2025 (To be updated annually)