Silloth Tennis Club take Wimbledon by storm!

2003 was an amazing year of growth for Silloth Tennis Club and this culminated in one of the most bizarre and surreal days in the club's history.
Forr the seond year running the club linked up with Sargent Cancer Care to run a "BOUNCEATHON" competition, which, as part of our open day was a small event where the children raised money for the charity by seeing how many bounces they could do in a given time.
The day was a huge success and we submitted the funds not realising we would be judged to be the top fundraisers in the country per amount of children taking part!
The prize was £1500 towards the creation of a red court zone plus a trip for 50 members to the 2003 championships at Wimbledon!
What a day we had at SW19! Setting off at 1am and just getting there in time for a photo shoot with patron Cliff Richard, Lionel Blair, various members of the LTA hirearchy and a live interview with Steve Ryder of BBC Grandstand fame. Not to mention seeing Roger Federer win his quarter final match en route to his first Wimbledon win, sitting on Centre Court and various other highlights it was all a bit crazy and mad!
We finally arrived back in Silloth in the early hours of the next day exhausted but dreaming of being there again.....