Weekly Schedule

Courts are generally available during the daytime.   In the evenings, with the exception of Wednesday Club Nights and when home matches are scheduled to take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Club endeavours to ensure that one court is available for booking.  The weekly schedule is generally as follows:

Mondays            Men's Night.   7pm.   For experienced players aiming to hone their skills or play competitively.   3 courts.

                                    Matches some nights requiring 2 courts.

                                    Join the WhatsApp group (hosted by Peter Kirk) to notify players of your intention to play.

Tuesdays           Ladies' Night.  5.30pm and/or 7pm.  For ladies who want a social game of tennis.  Start time may be adjusted when matches are scheduled.  3 or 4 courts.

                                   Matches some nights requiring 2 courts.

                                   Contact Tigger Wasilewski by email  if you want to play in the pre-arranged doubles.

Wednesdays     Club Nights from 7-9pm (4 courts).  Social tennis for players of reasonable ability.    Although centred around adults, junior members may participate provided they meet the required standard*.  

Thursdays         Coaching.  4pm-8pm.  Group coaching with R2R.  All ages.  Up to 3 courts.

Fridays                 Matches some nights.  2 courts in use.

Saturdays          Free play.

Sundays              Coaching and occasional matches in the morning requiring 2 courts.  Tournaments occasionally requiring 4 courts.


*If in doubt, please contact a member of the R2R coaching team with a view to attending an adult training course first.