Club Organised Sessions

The Club is keen to provide opportunities for members of all ages and abilities to participate in organised tennis sessions, members can participate in the Club sessions detailed below.  If you are interested in joining the evening rota sessions, you can do so at any stage - there is no need to wait for a season to finish, we aim to amend the rotas to include new members at any point.  If you are unsure of your ability level and would like some advice on which evening would be most suitable, please don't hesitate to contact the Rota Coordinator, Sam Robinson, Tel: 07912 097588.   The Club also runs several group coaching sessions for a range of playing standards and abilities - please visit the Coaching Page for further information on the courses and group sessions available.

Monday Evening Rota (Advanced)

Mixed doubles sessions for advanced and match-play standard players are organised throughout the year on Monday evenings, running from 19:30 until 21:30.  New tennis balls are provided for each session and a fee is charged to cover the cost of balls and floodlights.  Sam Robinson organises members attending these Monday evening sessions and schedules members playing on a particular evening every week.

Matchplay Coaching is organised periodically from 19:30 - 21:00. Players can book on and pay for the coaching via a booking link sent out to the Monday WhatsApp group before the relevant session.  If you would like to join the evening rota session, but would prefer not to do the coaching (or vice versa), you are still very welcome, please do get in touch.

Note: Please visit the Member page to view the current rota schedule .

Tuesday Evening Rota (Improver)

The Tuesday evening rota session is open to improver standard members and runs from 20:00 until 21:30 throughout the year.  A fee is charged to cover the cost of balls and floodlights. Anders Åström organises these Tuesday evening rota sessions and schedules members to play on a particular evening.  Members wanting to join this group should contact the rota coordinator, Sam Robinson, Tel: 07912 097588.

Note: Please visit the Member page to view the current rota schedule

An improver coaching session runs from 19:00 - 20:00 before the rota session.  This is open to everyone, with a maximum of 12 spaces each week.  To sign up, please visit the Coaching page.

Wednesday Morning Squad (Intermediate)

An open social tennis session for intermediate standard members runs weekly from 10:00 to 12:00 on Wednesdays. The event is open to all members of an intermediate standard or above and aims to provide regular doubles tennis for both men and ladies.  Any member interested in participating should contact Steve Dakin who organises this session weekly via a WhatsApp group.

Steve Dakin Tel: 07788 423483  Email:

Thursday Evening Rota (Intermediate)

The Thursday evening rota session is open to intermediate standard players and runs from 19:00 until 20:30 throughout the Year.  A fee is charged to cover the cost of balls and floodlights. organises these Tuesday evening rota sessions and schedules members to play on a particular evening.  Members wanting to join this group should contact the rota coordinator, Sam Robinson, Tel: 07912 097588.

Note: Please visit the Member page to view the current rota schedule.

Friday Morning Mixed Doubles (Match Practice)

A regular squad for players of an intermediate/advanced standard runs on Friday mornings from 09:30 until 11:00 throughout the year.  The session provides an opportunity for members to practice their skills and tactics in a matchplay setting and is for existing league team players or members who intend to play competitive matches in the future.  Members wishing to participate in this squad should contact Audrey Goodworth who organises this session.

Audrey Goodworth Tel: 07799 643709  Email: