West Herts & Watford Lawn Tennis Club caters for players of all standards from beginners to advanced players, Juniors, Intermediates, Match Players and Senior Citizens.
The club has six artificial grass courts and one clay court, all of which are floodlit. Our greatest asset are the three fantastic grass courts which are the pride of the county and have been used for international and national events.
There is a licensed bar on site at West Herts Sports Club, selling a selection of beers, lagers, wines and spirits as well as light snacks, all at very reasonable prices. There is also a TV and music facilities in the clubhouse. Changing facilities and toilets are available.
The club fields ladies, mens and mixed teams in the Watford & District Tennis League on weekday evenings, and mens and ladies teams in the Herts County League, in which matches are played at weekends. There are teams at a range of levels so anyone wishing to play match tennis is almost certain to be selected for some matches. Make yourself known to the captains and take it from there! We also field teams in the Herts age-group competitions, Mens and Ladies O45s and O55s.
The Club runs an annual tournament for full senior members and invited juniors - this usually runs over a 2-3 week period in the summer or early autumn.
Between October and March, the Club runs a winter singles league for all members, giving members the opportunity to play friendly yet competitive matches against players of comparable standard. Typically this involes four matches per month, providing the opportunity to get on court at a time when there are fewer club matches.
We have a strong core of social members who are free to use the club facilities apart from tennis. The club has a busy social calendar ranging from informal barbecues on a sunny Sunday afternoon to Quiz Nights, New Years Eve Parties, Christmas festivities and many more.
JOINING (see Membership section)
Unlike some clubs, there are NO joining fees.
We a good variety of membership packages and typically offer great discounts for new members as well as couples, familes and seniors.
Membership runs from 1st May to 30th April each year. Subscriptions are paid annually and can be paid by direct debit and instalments. Subscriptions are pro-rated for those joining midway through the year.
Once you have paid your annual subscription there are NO court fees, so you may play as much tennis as you wish from 08:00 to 22:00, 7 days a week. Floodlights are charged at £5 per hour per court.
All Courts have to be booked via ClubSpark.
Family members, friends and colleagues are all welcome to be invited (up to 5 times only) as a guest. Guests should then join as full members if they want to continue playing, or take advantage of our discounted membership for new members. A Guest Fee of £5 MUST be paid prior to going on court. This can either be paid direct to Club Account (Sort Code 20 91 79 Acc no 93780015) or using the card machine in the clubhouse. Please add the reference "Guest Fee". The name of the guest must also be logged by sending and email to: Guest.WHLTC@gmail.com
The Club runs two social tennis sessions each week. Members can just turn up and they'll get a game - usually doubles. These sessions are on Wednesday evenings betwwwen 7-9pm, and Sunday afternoons 4-6pm. A small charge may be applied if floodlights are required.
These cost £5.00 per court per hour (or 3 for £12). The cards for the meters can be purchased from the Coaching team or Committee members. Please remember the courts can only be used from 8am until 10pm daily.
MESSAGE FROM THE TRUSTEES (of West Herts Sports Club)
Adult membership of West Herts Tennis Club automatically includes membership of the West Herts Sports Club (located on the same site) which entitles you to use the bar, changing and shower facilities in the main clubhouse as well as:
- Free car parking during Club opening hours including Hornet (Watford FC) Match Days – However, please note that you may not leave the grounds without your car except when attending such a match
- Full voting rights at West Herts Sports Club AGMs and SGMs
- Representation through a nominated tennis member at regular West Herts Sports Club Committee Meetings.
You are welcome to call WH Sports Club reception on 01923 229881 for further details of all above.
Have a great season and enjoy playing tennis at the Club. Thank you for your support.