Welcome to West Herts & Watford LTC

A very warm welcome to West Herts & Watford Lawn Tennis Club.

We hope you enjoy your time as a member. Below is some information that will help you to make full use of the Club obtain the best value from your membership. We think that the Club is a special place to play tennis and hope that you will feel the same.  Please keep this copy of the welcome letter to refer to. Once you have joined the Club, the following year you will receive an annual membership form which needs to be completed and returned with payment by the 1st May.  If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to address them to any members of the Committee (names and contact details are below)

Enjoy your tennis!!

Please take care of our courts

​Tennis Shoes must be worn at all times – All other footwear may damage our courts.

When you finish playing, please ensure you pick up any litter and brush the court if you are playing on the Euroclay court (the 4th court from the clubhouse)

If you are the last to leave the clubhouse, please make sure the heaters are turned off, the main door is closed and locked and the outside gate is closed and locked.


Court Guidelines

Wear recognised sports clothing of any colour and tennis shoes.

Use plastic bottles or cups to avoid broken glass

Do not cross an occupied court until the point is finished.

Turn your mobile phones off when on court.

Avoid using foul or abusive language or abusing equipment


West Herts & Watford is a strictly NO SMOKING CLUB and smoking is prohibited within the club grounds



​The clubhouse has changing facilities, toilets and kitchen. Please note that the club cannot accept any responsibility for member’s personal effects on the premises. Please do not leave valuable items on show in vehicles.


How do the floodlights work

​The four courts nearest to the clubhouse have floodlights. The floodlights are operated by card machines. These are situated in the clubhouse on the wall alongside the oven. Feed the cards in following the arrow until you hear a click and the digital display registers that you have 60 minutes of light. Please note that unless a further card is inserted the lights will go out at the end of the 60 minutes and will take approximately 15 minutes to come back on when a new card is inserted, this will not happen on our new LED floodlights on the 3 blue courts. Each card is £5 or 3 cards can be purchased for £12. Cards can be bought from committee members and coaches. Use of floodlights is not permitted after 10 pm, so please do not start to use them after 9pm. If you have any problems or queries regarding using the floodlights, cards, or clubhouse, please contact the Membership Secretary.


​Bringing Guests

You are welcome to bring guests to play. There is a guest fee of £5 per guest. There is guest singing in book in the club house. There is a limit of 3 occasions you can bring the same guest. After that we would like your guest to become a member. 


Adult and Junior Coaching

This can be arranged with our professional coach, David Shann for junior and adults of all abilities and experience.  A summary of events and coaching sessions are listed below.  For further information please contact Petra.



​We run 2 social evenings a week for all abilities and experience. These are on Sundays, 4-6pm and Wednesdays 7-9 and is free to all members.

For the very beginner, we have “Rusty Rackets” on Wednesdays 7-8.30 starting from April and finishing in September. Cost for this is £6

Juniors Sunday Morning Drop  in sessions

​9.30am – Red group, Age 4-8

10.30am – Orange & Green Group, Age 9-12

11.30am – Yellow Group, Age 13 & over

Cost is £3.50 for members & £4 for non-members

Parents are asked to take responsibility for their children in the clubhouse and on the tennis courts. ALL children MUST be supervised. Please be aware that the car park can be a dangerous place especially for young children, so we ask that the gate to the car park is not left open.

Please also take the time to join up to British Tennis to obtain your membership number. This is free to club members. It is required if you want to be included in the Wimbledon ticket ballot the club hold every year. Website is www.lta.org.uk


​I hope you enjoy your membership. Please remember if you want to help, the club is organised by volunteers and extra assistance and enthusiasm is always welcome. I look forward to meeting you on the court.