Join a team
Existing and new members are welcome to play team tennis. To be selected for a team, the best way in is to attend social tennis.
Team captains and team members regularly attend social tennis, and it’s where you’ll be able to get to know them and demonstrate your ability to play doubles at the required level.
Note: we have teams playing at all levels, so there will always a team opportunity for you.
If you have any questions about team tennis in particula please get in touch via our contacts page..
When to express your interest in playing for a team
Whitkirk teams are formed for spring/summer competitions. Captains meet at the start of each year to discuss their current team’s availability and include new players for the following season.
If you’re keen to join a team, it’s worth expressing your interest to the captain of the team be it doubles or mixed tennis early in the new year. Team captains will take into account your attendance at social, as well as your ongoing standard.
Team practice
Team practice sessions usually run throughout the month of April to confirm and establish teams, and ensure everyone knows each other well.