Terms and Conditions

Take a moment to review the Club's terms and conditions ......

As a part of the joining or renewal process, you'll be asked to agree to these terms and conditions:

1.    The Club cannot refund membership fees.

2.    Membership is from 1 April to 31 March each year.  

3.    For existing members who wish to retain membership, there is a period of grace for payment until 30th April.  However, see Conditions 4 and 5 below.

4.    Team players must be fully paid up members to play in a league match against another club.

5.    Any person ceasing to be a member of the Club may not use the Club’s facilities and forfeits all rights to and upon the club, its property and its funds.

6.    I/We give consent to our name(s), addresses and telephone numbers being held on the Club’s computer records.  Data will only be used regarding Club matters and not for commercial purposes.

You'll also be asked to consent (or not) to the use of photos of you or your children on this website.  Any such photos will only be used to illustrate the activities of the Club, and the photos currently displayed on the site should give you a clear idea of what's intended.

Additional information:

The Witney Lawn Tennis Club membership fee includes a contribution to join West Witney Sports & Social Club which will benefit the tennis club and its members in the future by being part of a group of sports clubs with the view to obtaining a long term lease at the West Witney site.  At present the benefits include the use of toilets, car park, floodlight ticket management, bar and social events.

For New Members
●    We are a friendly Club [offering organised playing sessions on Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm during the Summer, and Tuesdays from 7.00pm in the Winter.  Club mornings are Sundays from 10.30am to 12.30, summer and winter.  Members often arrange games with each other at other times, and you will be given details of the Club’s on-line booking system when your application has been processed.
●   If you would like to be introduced to other members, contact Chris Pyne (07768 177919 or email - chrispyne@lineone.net), or the Secretary - see link below.
●    Individual or Group coaching can be arranged for Juniors and Adults wanting to improve their playing standard.  Contact Eddie Large on 07734 059769 or email - Edward.Large@exceltennis.co.uk or Chris Pyne on 07768 177919 or email - chrispyne@lineone.net

For any further information, contact the Club Secretary - email and phone details are on the Contacts page, or click here.