Join Us

Tennis @ Woodend offers good value membership to a thriving club with excellent facilities. If you choose to join Woodend, you will be contacted by an existing member to  find out how we can help you get the most from the club through our 'Welcome to Woodend' scheme. 

Membership rates for 2025/26  are as follow:

Adult  tennis     £294

Family tennis   £609  (covers 2 adults and all children under 18)

Mini tennis (age 6 and under) £35 (All participants in the Woodend Coaching Programme are required to join the club).

Junior tennis (ages 7-13) £70 (All participants in the Woodend Coaching Programme are required to join the club).

Student/Intermediate tennis (ages 14-17) £90 

Summer School  Hols Membership -  £30  for 7 weeks play between end June and mid-August.

Community/Social Membership  - £50

All tennis subscriptions include membership to the Bowling section of  Woodend.

Online payment is preferred by selecting your preferred membership option below.

Please note: in line with LTA guidance, we recommend that children under the age of 13 using the court outside of coaching and other organised activities - are supervised by a parent or known adult. Safeguarding linksWelfare Officer - Safeguarding at Woodend LTC - Report a Concern


Bowling family membership 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

Family bowling membership covers 2 adults and all children under 18

Eligibility: *if joining for the first time, please contact us at for a first year incentive rate

Choose payment option

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Bowling individual adult 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

1 April-31 March adult bowling membership

Eligibility: *if joining for the first time, please contact us at for a first year incentive rate

Choose payment option

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Bowling junior 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

Under 18 as of 31st Dec the year before. Allows use of clubhouse and bowling greens.

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Community Social Member 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

Community member - for use of clubhouse

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Family Tennis 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

Family tennis membership 2024-25

Eligibility: Covers 2 adults and all children under 18 for 1 April 2025-31 March 2026

Choose payment option

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Individual Intermediate Tennis 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

This membership is for those between 14-17 years old on 31st December of the previous year. It allows use of the tennis courts, clubhouse and bowling greens.

Choose payment option

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Individual Student Tennis 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

This membership allows access to tennis courts, clubhouse and bowling greens.

Eligibility: Current full time student

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Individual Tennis Adult 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

This is an adults tennis membership which includes use of the courts, clubhouse and bowling green until the following April

Eligibility: 21 or older on 31st Dec of the previous year

Choose payment option

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Individual Tennis Junior 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

This membership allows use of the tennis courts, clubhouse and bowling greens until 31st March of the following year.

Eligibility: Aged between 7-13 on 31st Dec of the year before.

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Individual Tennis Mini 2025-26

01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026

This membership allows use of the tennis courts, clubhouse and bowling greens until 31st March of the following year.

Eligibility: Aged 6 or less on the 31st December of the previous year

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Summer Junior/Intermediate/Student Membership 2025

24/06/2025 - 18/08/2025

For Mini-Students who wish to join for the Summer holidays. Membership will run from 24 June 2025 to 14 August 2025.

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