Health and Safety

Reporting accidents

It is important that we report accidents correctly and promptly. Here are a few extracts from our Health and Safety policy to remind you of what to do.  Hopefully there will be very few occasions when you need to use them!

Minor Accidents and injuries

  • The Club maintains a First Aid Kit for use in the event of any minor injuries. All injuries should be reported in the Accident Report Book and a copy passed to the Secretary for filing.
  • The First Aid Kit is a clearly labelled green box located in the clubhouse. The kit is limited in scope but should adequately cope with the more usual minor injuries likely to arise. All Qualified First Aiders should acquaint themselves with the contents.
  •  Accident Report Book. It is a legal requirement for the Club to provide an Accident Report Book and this is located with the First Aid Kit. It is compliant with the Data Protection Act and should be used to report all accidents or injuries that occur on site. It is usual for the casualty themselves to make the report and submit it to the Committee Member named in the Report Book. However, in the event of a serious accident, when this may not be possible, the Senior Member taking charge of the situation should ensure that it is completed.


 Serious accidents or incidents

  • In the event of a serious accident or major incident, the Emergency Services should be called. The senior Member present (Chairman, Officers, other Committee Members, Senior Member or Senior Junior Member) should immediately take responsibility for coordinating all action and reporting the matter, both in the Accident Report Book and directly to a Committee Member.
  • It is a legal requirement that any major accident (one resulting in hospitalization in excess of 24 hours), regardless of perceived liability, is reported to the HSE.
  • It is also an insurance requirement that certain matters be reported to the insurance brokers.
  • It is, therefore, imperative that the Secretary is also alerted promptly so that the matter can be correctly followed through.