
Our season runs from the 1st of May each year. This year we are offering a range of annual membership packages for households, adults, students and juniors. Sign up for any of these packages using the links you will find at the bottom of this page.

Non-members can rent a court by the hour using the Pay and Play scheme. Follow the link for more details.

Families visiting on holiday can also use the pay and play option.

Annual memberships 2024-25

These are the membership packages we are offering, that run until 30 April 2025:
- One adult (add your children for free) £75 (+ optional £25 donation*)
- Two adults (add your children for free) £120 (+ optional 2 x £25 donation*)
- Daytime only: One adult (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) £45 (+ optional £25 donation*)
- Student (under 25) £20
- Junior (under 25) £20

This is a rise in fees from last season, though they are still lower than other clubs in general. This decision is based on discussions at the AGM. The committee are concerned about forthcoming costs, and think the new rates are a good balance between keeping fees low to make our club accessible to as many people as we can, while raising enough money to maintain our facilities.

* We also encourage members to make a voluntary donation of £25 per adult specifically for the resurfacing fund. We’re planning the resurfacing of our courts in two phases, resurfacing court 4 (the single court) in 2025, and then courts 1-3 nearer 2030. The regular need for resurfacing the courts every 15 years, as well as maintaining the court fences and surrounds, is the club’s biggest expense. We have been able to set low fees by the generous provision of donations from those members who feel able to do so, and would encourage all adults. 

If you want to make the voluntary donation of £25 per adult, or more, please add this amount to your membership fee when you make your payment and, if it's no trouble, email our Membership Secretary, Gail, to let her know for clarity:

Equally, should you be under any financial hardship please do not hesitate to contact Gail. We are keen to enable as many people as possible to enjoy tennis.

Sign up for any of these packages using the links you will find at the bottom of this page.

Pay and play

Our courts are available for non-members to rent by the hour, for £10 per hour, in a scheme called ‘Pay and Play’. This scheme means anybody can book a court and play, they don’t have to be a member. We really want to make tennis accessible to all. Read details about how Pay and Play works here. Note that courts are only available for Pay and Play guests up to 7 days in advance, while members can book before then.


All members may bring occasional guests to play tennis with them. The following rules apply:
- guests must always be playing with a member
- you must pay £3 for each guest for each of their visits, please make a bank transfer with your name as reference
- any guest can play up to three times in a year before we invite them to become a member
- we need a record of their name. Please do this by sending an email to

Contact us

If you have any questions or difficulties with membership you can contact our Membership Secretary, Gail Newsome, via email:


* One adult (add your children for free) 2024-25

30/03/2024- 30/04/2025

For one adult and any under-18 children from the same household to join and play. All playing members of the household must be named. Add a donation of £25 for resurfacing if you can, as described above.

Join now

*Two adults (add your children for free) 2024-25

30/03/2024- 30/04/2025

For two adults and any under-18 children from the same household to join and play. All playing members of the household must be named. Add a donation of £25 per adult for resurfacing if you can, as described above.

Join now

Daytime only: One adult 2024-25

30/03/2024- 30/04/2025

For adult members who play only Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Add a donation of £25 for resurfacing if you can, as described above.

Join now

Junior 2024-25

30/03/2024- 30/04/2025

Under age 18.

Eligibility: Is 17 or younger on 31 August 2024

Join now

Student 2024-25

30/03/2024- 30/04/2025

Age 18-25 in full-time education.

Eligibility: Is 25 or under on 31 August 2024 and in full time education

Join now