Club Small Loan Scheme

Exciting Changes to the Cheshire County LTA Club Small Loan Scheme
Since its launch in 2013, the CCLTA Club Small Loan Scheme has been hugely successful, with many clubs taking the opportunity of using a simple, interest free loan to improve their facilities. To encourage even more clubs in Cheshire to consider ways of developing their tennis offering, it has been decided to increase the total funds available in the Scheme from £55k to £300k, using the Balance Sheet Reserves built up by the County over a number of years.
In addition to the increased funds available, the County will also contribute a grant of 10% of the loan to the club, up to £1k. This will be deducted from the last repayment due to the County. The intention remains that the Scheme be a simple, no frills scheme with a straight forward application process and be easy to administer for both parties.
The key features are:-
- Maximum loan £20,000
- Interest free
- Repayments in 5 equal instalments paid annually on 30th April commencing the year following approval of the loan
- 10% of the loan is contributed back to the club as a grant, up to £1k
- Venues must be LTA registered.
Application Procedure
Application forms are available below and can be submitted at any time.
Appraisal Procedure
- A review panel will discuss the application and respond to you within 6 weeks
The success of the application will be based on:
- Financial viability of the scheme
- The ability of the applicant to meet the payback terms
- The impact on encouraging more people to play tennis more often.
Application Form
To apply for a loan from the Club Small Loan Scheme, please complete this Application Form