Cheshire County LTA Sponsorship

Cheshire County LTA Sponsorship
The County currently has over 90 registered tennis clubs/Places to Play with a declared membership of approximately 20,000 British Tennis Members.
What CCLTA can do for your business
As a large, thriving county with arguably some of the best tennis facilities in the UK, we are looking for support from both businesses and indviduals to form partnerships with us.
CCLTA will certainly help raise the profile of your organisation in Cheshire. The profile of CCLTA tennis club members includes many business executives, SME owners and significantly, local consumers.
We have an exciting range pf sponsorship oppourtunities availible to enable organisations to communicate ideas in a more personal way, and for brands to become closer to consumers than traditional advertising allows.
Sponsorship Opportunites
There are several ways that you can be a sponsorship partner. These are available in a range of special packages and are detailed below.
- County Tournaments
- County Teams
- Junior Teams
- Adult Teams
- Senior and Super Senior Teams
- Diversity & inclusive programmes
- Annual Awards Event
- Corporate Package (Wimbledon Championship)
To find out more about Cheshire County LTA sponsorship opportunities, please e-mail Lynne at