Guest Players & Coaches


We understand that members may wish to bring the occasional guest to play. However, to be fair on all our paid-up members ALL guests

  • must be accompanied by a member, members MUST NOT give out the court padlock code or clubhose key
  • must be named on the member’s court booking, this ensures guests are covered by our insurance policies
  • must pay a £5 fee per session - payment details: Sort Code: 602307, Account: 39200000, Name: Digswell Social Tennis Club  Note: Where possible please use a BACS reference of GSTSurnamePostcode (e.g GSTSmithSG25RD) so that we can identify payments
  • may not play more than 3 times in a given membership year. After this they may apply for membership and any guest fees paid will be deducted from the membership fee

Note: Allowing guest players is at the discretion of the club, any abuse of the above may result in this benefit being withdrawn



The club has its own coach who we encourage players to engage for coaching. Guest coaches are permitted at the discretion of the club – all must register, providing the liability insurance details. Members have the responsibility of emailing the club should they wish to bring their own coach (email: