Eastgate Doubles Box League


Sign up deadline

23rd July 2023




  • Each month the groups organise a time to get the match played – Player A is the organiser and is required to provide a new set of balls. We would advise splitting the costs between the 4 players however a record will be kept by the club to ensure Player A is spread throughout the months.
  • One set is played with each partner e.g. Player A + Player B versus Player C + Player D - then ACvBD, ADvBC)
  • All three sets must be played at one point in time as agreed by the group
  • Sets are played to 2 games clear or tie break to 7 at 6 all See tie break info below
  • Players are awarded points for the total number of games they win. E.g.  6-3 win for A&B in set 1 will result in A&B receiving 6 pts each and C&D  both receiving 3 pts each.
  • Please ensure all set scores and individual scores are written on the sheet provided  and a photo is sent to stuhanson1982@googlemail.com or whatsapp on 07787448575.
  • At the end of each month individual player scores are tallied.
  • One player will move down a box, one player will move up and two remain in the same box.
  • Players scores will be tallied over the duration of the league to decide top male/female.
  • If you are unable to play in a given month it is your responsibility to find someone to substitute for you – Despite how they play, you will score ZERO points but in the interest of playing tennis, it will allow the match to be played and others to keep accumulating points
  • The league will run 1st August until 30th November 2023

Any issues please contact Stuart Hanson – stuhanson1982@googlemail.com or 07787448575



  • At the beginning of the tiebreaker, the first point is served by the player who is due to serve the next game. The serve is done from the deuce court (the right side of the centre mark). However, they only serve the first point,and the opponent serves the next two. From then until the end of the tiebreaker, the players will alternate servers every two points, with the first serve point of each turn always occurring on the ad court (the left side), and the second point from the deuce side. Change ends when the score adds up to six.

First to seven  with two clear points.