Club Calendar


Social Tennis

Monday Night 1900-2130 and Wednesday Morning from 1000-1200 and Friday Night 1900-2130

Free balls and lighting is provided for our Social Tennis events.

Box Leagues

We have monthly in-house Box Leagues. All abilities are welcome and its a great way to meet new club members. Contact the organiser Matt Blaney (  and he can slot you into the appropriate league.

South West Manchester Tennis League (SWMTL)

Glossop Tennis Club has 4 teams in the SWM Leagues.

Team Captains
Ladies 1's (Division 1) Christine Lolley
Ladies 2's (Division 4) Karen Thompson
Men's 1's (Division 2) Matt Blaney
Men's 2's (Division 4) Paul Higginbottom
Men's 3's (Division 6) Josh Casulli


Team Practice:

Men's Practice - Saturday mornings 9:30am-12:00pm

Ladies Practice - Sunday mornings 9:30am-11:30am