Committee Members

The Tennis Committee, like the club itself, is open, inclusive and volunteer-run!  In this last year, the committee has been comprised of nine members, who have met on a monthly basis to discuss the overall running of the club.

There are certainly opportunities for more members to be involved and you would be welcomed aboard – we are a friendly bunch, honest!

The principles of the committee are:

  • to encourage people of all ages –  juniors and adults – to play tennis and play tennis better
  • to shape and support the tennis programme, competitions and coaching
  • to ensure that tennis section is run within its resources

For general enquiries or feedback please contact the Committee via the following email address:

Here is our current line up:

Paul Darwin (Chairman)  -

Rob Millington (Vice Chairman/Coaching Liaison) -

Mike Pocock (Treasurer)

Megan Booth (Membership Secretary) -

Alan Cutts (Safeguarding & Welfare) -

Matthew Thirlwell (Website & Digital Master) -

Ian Higginbottom (Clubhouse Management) 

Matt Blaney (Social Secretary) -

Greville Kelly (Commercial Manager) -

Will Lear (Publicity and Communications Secretary ) -

Paul Higginbottom (Committee Member) -


Contact us

Glossop Tennis Club

Glossop Tennis Club, Pyegrove Road
SK13 8QS

Get directions