

We want you to feel completely safe in and around the tennis club. Our Welfare Officer is Craig Turner.

If you have ANY concerns about how you are being treated by anyone else in the club - adult or junior - make contact straight away with Craig.  He will listen to what you say, and if something needs to be dealt with, he will deal with it. You can contact Craig in person at the club or phone him on 01476 591391.  Alternatively, send an email to and he will reply as soon as possible. 

Please click for:- 

Grantham Tennis Club & Gym Safeguarding Policy

Grantham Tennis Club & Gym Safeguarding Policy Statement

How to report a safeguarding concern 

Who do we want to be 

Grantham Tennis Club & Gym Anti-Bullying Policy 

Grantham Tennis Club Changing Room Policy

Grantham Tennis Club Code of Conduct (also included in Diversity and Inclusion Policy)

Grantham Tennis Club & Gym Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Grantham Tennis Club & Gym Duty of Care Policy

Grantham Tennis Club Safe Recruitment 

Grantham Tennis Club Online Safety and Communication Policy

Grantham Tennis Club Photography and Filming Policy