
EV car chargers are active!

EV Car Chargers are live at GTC!

We are pleased to announce that our installation of EV car chargers is complete and ready for members and non-members to use. 
We have partnered with a company called Clenergy EV who manage the payments and processing of charging cars. They have a 24/7 support line available for drivers who have issues with charging their cars. Their support number is 03330 129095. Hopefully there won't be any issues!

The chargers we have installed are AC charging (alternating current) and can deliver up to 22kw. Most electric / hybrid cars can only charge up to 7.4kw using AC current. The "super fast" chargers that you find at service stations, they charge in a DC way (direct current). The difference is AC supplied electricity is converted in the car while DC supplied electricity is converted at the charging point and is fed directly into the car's battery. AC charging is slower, but some say it is safer as the car's safety features are used while charging.

There are two charging tariffs. One for members which costs 55p per kw and one for non-members which costs 75p per kw plus a 20p connection charge. You need to download the Clenergy app and scan the QR sticker on the charging post to start charging. Alternatively, you can use third party apps like Octopus Electroverse. You will only be able to access the members rate through the Clenergy app. 

The six car parking spaces are marked for EV use only so please avoid parking there if you are not going to charge your car or don't even have an electric / hybrid car. 
The below button lets you download a pdf document to read through the instructions for using the chargers. 
At the bottom of this email are pictures showing instructions if you have trouble downloading the document.

If you have any questions or are a GTC member or parent / guardian of a junior member and would like the access code to members rate, come and ask at Reception.

We also have one mode 3, type 2 cable that you can hire if you have forgotten yours!