Easter Camp 2025

Easter Tennis Camps 2025 @ Richmond House School

We are delighted to be running an Easter Camp at Richmond House School (LS16 5LG) over the 2 weeks of the Easter Holidays. 

Action packed tennis and multi-sports camp utilising 'Constraints Based' games and world class technical tuition to help children have fun and improve their tennis quicker than ever before.  

Week 1 - 7th to 11th April (Monday to Friday)

Week 2 - 14th to 17th April (Monday to Thursday)

Our camps are available for ages 4 to 14, please note children aged 4 are only able to attend in the morning. 

Costs - Single Session (morning or aftenoon) £27, Full Day £45, 5 sessions (any combination) £100, Full week £180 (Week 1), £144 (Week 2) 

The camp can be booked through email to Optimaltennisleeds@gmail.com or online below. If booking through email please provide your child's name, date of birth, emergency contact number, any medical conditions / allergies. 

Camp Timings

  • 8.30am Early Drop
  • 9am to 12pm Morning
  • 12pm to 12.30pm Lunch
  • 12.30pm to 3.30pm Afternoon
  • 4pm Late Collection

The car park for Richmond House School is on Glen Road. 

Children should bring a nut free snack for each session they are involved in. Children staying all day will have supervised lunch with the camp tennis coaches and should bring a nut free packed lunch in addition to their snacks. 

We ask that children wear sporting clothes and trainers and bring the following:

  • Water Bottle (this can be re-filled on site)
  • Waterproofs
  • Suncream / Sun hat / cap
  • Jacket / coat (minimum hoodie/ warm jumper) in case of cold weather. 

Typical Camp Day

  • 9am Registration, warm up and game assessments. 
  • 9.30am - Themed tennis lesson based on game assessment (eg attacking by serving into space), including tactical and technical work
  • 10.30am break 
  • 10.45 to 12pm Second teaching theme and games / point play. 
  • 12pm Lunch 
  • 12.30pm Children staying all day - football match or other sport (such as rounders) / 3rd Themed tennis lesson / games
  • 1.30pm Break
  • 1.45pm Short Themed Tennis Lesson leading to Tennis Matchplay and games / Movement skills.
  • 2.45pm Group Games and Specific identified work. 
  • 3.30pm to 4pm Collection and relfections on the days play with children and parents given feedback. 



A Finalist in the Mumbler Healthy and Active Kids Award we pride ourselves on delivering a fantastic camp experience for children aged 5 to 14.

Small groups of separate age children, we combine Constraint-Led Games with expert technical tuition utilising 'Langevad Sports Biometrics' principles, to help children improve their tennis at the fastest possible rate, play and compete.

Our syllabus also includes athletic development as well as technical, tactical and mental training.
