Adult Tennis Classes - up to Easter 2025
Our Adult Intermediate Tennis Course is running on Sundays 1pm to 2pm.
The next block starts on Sunday 2nd March and runs until 6th April Indoors at Leeds Trinity University, LS18 5HD.
The cost of the next block is £72. Payment for the class can be made into the following account, John Moore, Account Number 42202697, Sort Code 40-47-31.
If you are new to tennis with us, please provide the following information, Full Name, Contact Number, Emergency Contact Number, Any Specific Health or other requirements you consider it would be helpful for us to know.
We will be running a larger programme of Adult Tennis Classes during the summer months.
If you need any further information or would like to discuss your requirements or are interested in 1:1 or 2:1 lessons, please contact John Moore on 07896636173 or email