News and events


Summer Camps 2024

Camps suitable for 5 - 18 year olds

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Coaching and Junior Membership

New Coaching and Membership Scheme at Southwell Tennis Club

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Open day for new members

An Open Day is being held at the club on Sunday 3rd October 10am-12pm. The purpose is to share information with potential new members and let them experience the club as well as provide information regarding the coaching programme to both existing and new members.

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Summer Tennis Camps

Our coaching partners, On the Ball, are running summer tennis camps at Southwell for youngster aged 5-11 and 12-18. For more details about times and dates go to the website

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Video equipment for coaching

Our coaching partner On the Ball has invested in some video equipment to support lessons and show players how to improve their game.

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Junior Tennis Camps

Summer tennis camps are being run at Southwell through August.

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Keep fit/cardio tennis

The club is now certified to offer CARDIO tennis - so why not come and try it out? Sessions are being run on Tuesday mornings from 9.30 to 10.30. They will improve your fitness and your tennis.

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