Tealby Bowls Club is open from April to September.
Come along and try something new or maybe you have played before, open to all from 12 years. Enjoy the fresh air and meet new people. Following all the Covid pandemic lockdowns, I think we all need to spread our social wings again don’t we and bowling is a great social sport and extremely affordable.
Every Saturday afternoon from mid April to mid Sept, we have a 2 hour fun and very informal ‘roll up’ starting at 2:00 p.m. Club members will be there to give tuition if you’ve not played before and you will be surprised how quickly you pick it up, so you can be as competitive, (or not), as you wish, either way it’s a lot of fun.
Free tea, coffee, soft drinks and biscuits are provided. Toilets, free parking.
Casual clothing is the order of the day, the only requirement is that you wear flat shoes/trainers please, (no deep tread, heels or spikes, etc) and bowls are available to use on the day. Please come along and enjoy a fun afternoon with us, no pre-booking is required, just turn up. We look forward to meeting you.
Should you wish to talk to us, please contact any of the following:
Jim Reid – 01673 828132 or 07903 686009
Roy-01673 843532 or 07308 026364
Keith Standen – 07712 007052