How to find us
Abergavenny Tennis Club
Hill Road, Penypound
Wales South
New Courts
The club's asphalt courts are being resurfaced with Tiger Turf, a state-of-the-art artificial grass.
Work started on 17th March and these courts will be out of use until mid-April.
Find out more on the News page.
Free Flood Lights
Floodlights for courts1 & 2 will be free-of-charge for all members until work on the the courts is finished. A key to turn the lights on/off is on a hook adjacent to the meters in the Kitchen for courts 1 and 2.
Insert the key on the right-hand-side of the meter and turn it clockwise for on / anti-clockwise for off.
Please remember to turn off the lights as soon as you've finished playing.
Club Membership Renewals
Don't forget to take advantage of our 'early-bird' discounts! These are now available for club memberships until 1st April 2025.
If you're looking to have your racket restrung for the summer season then feel free to contact Arthur Hales or Ben Chung.
They both offer stringing to suit all rackets and player styles, plus replacement grips, fitted or supplied.
Arthur: 07941 365495 or
Ben: 07795 954600
A solid 3-1 win against Windsor.
19 days ago
Asphalt Courts Resurfacing Project March 2025
22 days ago
Membership renewals: Existing members (no joining fee) can now renew online from the email they have been sent.
New members: Apply online here.
If you have any questions please contact our membership secretary Sally Scott.
Abergavenny Tennis Club
Hill Road, Penypound
Wales South