Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is applicable to all members, guests and visitors
At Bearsted and Thurnham LTC (BTLTC), we believe in providing a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment both on and off the court, so that all members, guests and visitors can use and enjoy the Club’s facilities to the full.
Members, guests and visitors are all reminded that an acceptable standard of behaviour is expected in all areas of the club at all times. The highest levels of sportsmanship, courtesy, respect for others, and fair play is expected.
Upon payment of membership fees, members are agreeing to uphold these expectations and the positive reputation of BTLTC. They give their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties which may be imposed for a breach of the club standards or serious misconduct in failing to meet the standards set out in the Code of Conduct.
The following are expectations to which all Club members, guests/visitors, tennis professionals, and parents must adhere:
- Respect will be shown toward all others regardless of a person's age, disability, gender reassignment status, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status or any other background.
- Respect will be shown for all Club property and facilities, including but not limited to the Club house, courts, nets, teaching equipment, court grooming equipment, furnishings, supplies, and appliances.
- Inappropriate language and/or aggressive behaviour or any form of bullying will not be tolerated and may result in sanctions being put in to place.
- Any statement or behaviour that is reasonable for someone to interpret as a threat to use physical force that would or could cause injury will not be tolerated and may result in sanctions being put in to place.
- Harassment will not be tolerated. Harassment is unwanted comment or conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. The focus is on the perception of the complainant and not on the intent of the perpetrator. Any incidents of this or a similar nature will be treated seriously, and sanctions being put in to place.
- Behaviour on the tennis court that is deemed to be ‘unsportsmanlike’ in its nature, should be addressed. This could include (although not limited to) repeated poor lines calls, deliberately calling out whilst the point is in play, any behaviour that is meant to intimidate the opposition. In the first instance, it is ideal if players can address this at the time of it happening so that it has no bearing on the outcome of the match.
Anyone who has concerns that they or someone else is being harassed, discriminated against or has been a victim of discriminatory or unwanted language or behaviour should inform the Welfare Officer at BTLTC; Carole Bacon,
The Club's Policies can be found here.
Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests follow the Code of Conduct and any other Club Regulations and policies in force at the time they visit the club.
In the case of non-members, failure to abide by this Personal Conduct code may result in a requirement to vacate the premises and prohibition from returning either for a prescribed period or permanently, on such terms as the Committee shall determine.
Anyone who fails to follow these regulations, as judged by a majority of the Committee, may lose their good standing at the Club and be sanctioned. The Committee will, at its discretion, determine the appropriate sanction(s), which may include but is/are not limited to:
(a) Corrective action (warning) set out in writing
(b) Suspension of playing privileges either total or partial, eg. suspension from attending Club sessions.
(c) Suspension of membership, either for a prescribed period or permanently on such terms as the Committee shall determine and with no refund of fees. The process by which a member may be permanently suspended/excluded from the Club will be carried out in accordance with the Club Constitution, which is available here.
Any sanction imposed on a Club member may be appealed, in writing, to any member of the Management Committee.