Members wishing to invite guests to use the courts must observe the following Rules:
- The same guest(s) may not be invited on more than three occasions in any membership year (March - February).
- Members must accompany their guest(s) throughout their time at the Club and ensure that they abide by all Club Rules
- There is no fixed limit on the number of guests that can be invited on any one occasion or the total number invited throughout the year. However, Members are requested to avoid inviting guests during the peak playing periods, particularly Club Tennis on Wednesdays and Sundays.
- If Members wish to invite guests to Club social functions or to play in Club Tournaments/Fun Days etc., please check first with the Club Captain, Social and Events Member or Event Organiser as appropriate.
Guest Fees
There is a guest fee of £2.50 for 1 hour or £5.00 for 2 hours, payable using our online court booking system.
Each adult Member is allowed 3 free Guest Passes per year in lieu of guest fee payments.
To make use of this offer, please fill in the following information on any slip of paper. Name of Member, Name of Guest and Date of play. Post the slip of paper through the letterbox in the wall to the right of the Club Room door. (Please note that these free passes must be filled in and deposited before the guest can play).
When making a court booking with a paying guest, for each player:
- click on the 'Add participant' link
- enter the guest's name (set status to 'Guest' using the dropdown menu)
- save
To complete the booking, click on the 'Continue booking' button and the total guest fees due will be displayed. You can then confirm and pay by card. Please note payments will automatically be refunded if the booking is cancelled more than 24 hours beforehand.
Members are reminded that if their partner in a doubles match is not a Club Member payment of a guest fee is required. However, their opponents are not required to pay a guest fee, if they are playing a match of an external knock-out competition.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM is held in the Clubhouse in October or early November.
Notification of the AGM and the business to be transacted must be notified to the membership at least 21 days prior to the date of the AGM.
Resolutions must be submitted to the Club Secretary, in writing, at least 28 days before the AGM. However, resolutions that propose changes to the Club Constitution and Rules, must be submitted not less than 6 weeks before the AGM.
Nominations for election to the Management Committee, proposed and seconded by Senior Members, together with the written consent of the nominee, must be received by the Secretary and displayed on the Club Noticeboard no later than 14 days before the AGM.
All Members are entitled to attend and speak at the AGM but only Playing Members (with the exception of Country Members) over the age of 16 are entitled to vote. A quorum at the AGM is 20 members entitled to vote.
Riding bicycles in the Club grounds is not permitted, therefore please leave them in the bicycle rack by the main gate. The Club cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles.
Club Bar
Members and Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted to serve, purchase or consume intoxicating liquor upon the premises of the Club.
During the summer months (April - September) the Club Bar is manned by volunteers on:
Wednesdays: 8.00pm-10.00pm, Sundays: 12 noon-2.00pm
The Bar may be opened at other times by members of the Management, Tennis and Social Committees, or by Team Captains during club licensing hours when hosting visiting teams.
The Club licensing hours are as follows: Weekdays: 10.00am-11.00pm, Sundays: 12 noon-10.30pm, Christmas Day: Closed
Members and guests are required to vacate the premises by the above closing times, in a quiet and orderly fashion.
All dogs must be kept on a lead within the club grounds. Dogs are only permitted in the clubhouse if on a lead and under strict control of their owner. They are not allowed in the kitchen under any circumstances. Members of the Club’s Committees reserve the right to ask any owner to remove their dog from the clubhouse if required.
Self-help maintenance of the Clubhouse and Grounds during the period March to October keeps the annual running costs down, and therefore the Annual Subscription Fee. There are three major work-ins each year and members are asked if they could attend at least one of the work-ins during the year.
The Work-ins involve maintenance of the Clubhouse and Courts and general weeding and tidying around the grounds. The Club provides a free lunch and refreshments in return.
Details of the Maintenance mornings are communicated to the members by email.
Parking and Access
Only vehicles delivering/collecting supplies/equipment or for maintenance purposes, are permitted to use Church Landway and park outside the Club. Members and visitors must use the Church Car Park (access via Church Lane) or park on Ashford Rd.
Members are responsible for the security of the Clubhouse and Grounds. If you are the last to leave the Club, please check that:
- The Clubhouse doors and windows are closed and locked, all radiators, and all internal and external lights are switched OFF (except the Men’s & Ladies cloakrooms).
- Once all internal doors and the garage are shut, lock the kitchen door with the Chubb key. This activates the alarm. When opening up the clubhouse, unlock the alarm on the kitchen door before other internal doors (except the Men’s & Ladies cloakrooms).
- The Court Gates are closed and latched and the Main Gate closed and locked.
Social Events
The Social Events Committee organises a wide variety of social events during the year. Details of these are posted on the Club Noticeboard and communicated to the members by email.
Helped by volunteers, they organise Sunday Lunches during the summer months and provide refreshments at Social functions and Tournaments throughout the year. Members wishing to offer assistance or to serve on the Committee should contact the Events Secretary. The Committee needs your help.
Local calls cost 20p. Please put your money, using the brown envelopes provided, through the letterbox by the kitchen door or pay at the Bar. Please do not make Long Distance Calls from this phone without first obtaining the permission of a Committee Member.
Last updated: April 2021