Club Tennis is a great way to get to know more members at the club as well as experiencing a wide range of playing standards. It is considered a great social occasion and is open to Adults and Juniors over 18 years of age, and for Juniors less than 18 years of age who have been awarded Club Colours. Courts are reserved for Club Tennis during the following times:
April to September
WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 7.00pm - 10.00pm. Operates on an organised rota basis and is suitable for beginners. If you would like to be included on the rota please contact Cathy Hoskins on 07759 283745. If you are new to tennis or are of a 'beginner' standard please contact Viv Pearson on 07469 990870 and she will help get you involved in suitable tennis sessions.
SUNDAY MORNINGS from 10.00am - 1pm. Operates on a 'turn up and join in’ basis.
If you would like to join a 'whatsApp' group for Sunday social tennis please contact Cathy Hoskins on 07759 283745.
October to March
SUNDAY MORNINGS from 10.00am - 1.00pm. Operates on a 'turn up and join in’ basis.
WEDNESDAY EVENINGS (floodlit) from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Operates on an organised rota basis.
Each player is required to pay a fee to cover the cost of the floodlights and tennis balls provided by the Club. Notification is sent out to members in August/September asking for names of those interested in participating.
The rota for winter Wednesday evening Club Tennis rota is usually emailed to each member.
Court Etiquette and Playing Rules
Please observe the guidelines on Court Etiquette and the Playing Rules before joining in with Club Tennis. The following is further guidance for social play on summer Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings:
- Singles may only be played if no one is waiting; anyone then arriving should be invited to join in.
- A set already in progress at the start of Club Tennis may be completed, but the players must then make way for Club Tennis.
- If there are less than 20 players attending, players may mix and match who they play with as they come off court.
- In these circumstances, play will be the first to 6 games only (e.g. 6-2 or 6-5, etc).
- However, when courts are full members waiting should put their names on the white-board in the order they arrive, using the correct white-board marker provided.
- The first person on the list may choose any combination of players from the next 6 members on the list.
- In these circumstances, play will be a total of 7 games to ensure that turnover of courts is rapid and everyone has an opportunity to play.
- As members go on court, their names are removed from the board. When players come off court, their names are put back onto the bottom of the white-board if they wish to play another game.
- Members chosen from the waiting list cannot refuse to go on in the hope they will get a better game. Players wanting a break must therefore remove their names from the waiting list and then in due course add them back at the bottom of it.
- AFTER PLAY, ensure the BALLS are collected from the courts and put back on the SHELF IN THE BAR for use at a later date.
- Also, please ensure that lights are switched OFF (if used).