Consent required to receive news items from BBLTC

If you wish to receive general emails and news items from BBLTC, you must provide consent via your Clubspark account.
Changes to data legislation, i.e. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective from 25th May 2018, affects how the club contacts its members. In order to continue receiving communications (emails/text messages) about non-essential news items, members are required to explicitly provide consent.
To provide consent:
- visit BBLTC Clubspark home page
- log in to your BBLTC clubspark account
- select 'Your Account' in Club Spark (top RHS of home screen)
- select 'Your privacy and consents'
- then tick the consent 'BBLTC News and Info' for receiving club news communications etc.
(You may also choose to give consent for your image to be used in club communications).
If you do not provide consent, BBLTC can still use your data to contact you about information essential to the running of the club. Further information can be found in the club's Privacy Policy.